
Greetings, Sitinabush, today i am going to review your snippet and try to highlight what was good and what went wrong.


118.45 – 19.03 You have successfully realize the Herold and get two towers. It is already a great value for the Herold, don’t need to overextend and try to take more (Especially this early in the game). Here is a key mistake: by trying to get the third tower, you risk all your gains for really small benefit. The better corse of action would be to just back and regroup on the drake. The Herold will still hit the tower. League is a game about decisions. Sometimes it worth the risk to make a high-risk play for high reward. But for climbing the ladder you’d better make well calculated choices along the way. And this high-risk was for low-reward btw.

19.57 Again about decision and values - your TP worth way more than the creeps you get there.

21:55 - 22:05 Overextended. You started the fight with garen, using your only escape ability. Your ally was not able to join and help you. Also flash, was clunky. Flash is also have it’s worth. And you’d better accept inevitable death, to have your flash for an important teamfight.

23:27 - Map control. You’ve started the fight 3vs3 which seems fine. However, think about it. You don’t know where enemies are, but you are sure that two your teammates are on a different sides of the map and won’t be able to join this fight. You have no vision on the enemies and you’d better always assume that they are near you, and plan accordingly. So use your wards to know where enemies are, otherwise you 3v3 fight will turnout to be 3v7 fight.


Generally speaking, there is a quick tip to help you improve. You need to learn what value game objects have. I am pretty sure you have heard of it. (eg. Herald = T1/T2 tower, 10cs = Kill, Mid T1 > Top T1 and so on.). Keeping that in mind will help you prioritize objectives and make calculated decisions.